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Three Houses Line Counts

Writer's picture: CiatokinsCiatokins

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

Three Houses Line Counts

For the last few months me and my husband have been working on a line count project for Three Houses! Three Houses has a lot of dialogue, between main plot, supports, and other content so it was quite a task!

The lines are counted per text box, or for the narration, each time a new page turns!

This does not include Yuri, Hapi, Balthus, Constance, or Anna. It might happen if I get back into the mood but right now… no.

Total lines in the main plot: 12523 lines

Total lines in the (non-S) supports: 18386 lines

Total other lines (S-supports, goddess tower, paralogues): 3610 lines

Total lines in the game: 34483 lines

Total line count for the non-DLC content by character (all routes)

This includes: cutscenes, animated cutscenes, monastery dialogue, paralogues, supports, S-supports, goddess tower scenes.

Note: This does not include generic quotes like eating dialogue, task dialogue, or level up quotes. Everyone has the same # of these so you can just add 10 lines to all of the playable characters if you want. Also, Byleth's lines are much shorter than everyone else's, so scale appropriately.

Claude von Riegan - 2056 - 5.96%

Byleth Eisner - 1878 - 5.45%

Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd- 1792 - 5.20%

Edelgard von Hresvelg- 1620 - 4.70%

Seteth - 1214 - 3.52%

Hilda Valentine Goneril - 990 - 2.87%

Ferdinand von Aegir - 931 - 2.70%

Mercedes von Martritz - 924 - 2.68%

Annette Fantine Dominic - 918 - 2.66%

Lysithea von Ordelia - 905 - 2.62%

Lorenz Hellman Gloucester - 904 - 2.62%

Hubert von Vestra - 877 - 2.54%

Sylvain Jose Gautier - 872 - 2.53%

Ingrid Brandl Galatea - 866 - 2.51%

Linhardt von Hevring - 865 - 2.51%

Bernadetta von Varley - 855 - 2.48%

Dorothea Arnault - 852 - 2.47%

Caspar von Bergliez - 833 - 2.42%

Ashe Ubert - 830 - 2.41%

Leonie Pinelli - 810 - 2.35%

Ignatz Victor - 802 - 2.33%

Catherine (Cassandra Reubens Charon) - 795 - 2.31%

Felix Hugo Fraldarius - 785 - 2.28%

Flayn - 783 - 2.27%

Raphael Kirsten- 747 - 2.17%

Petra Macneary - 747 - 2.17%

Marianne von Edmund - 729 - 2.11%

Manuela Cassagranda - 708 - 2.05%

Hanneman von Essar - 687 - 1.99%

Shamir Nevrand - 678 - 1.97%

Gilbert Pronislav (Gustave Eddie Dominic) - 662 - 1.92%

Alois Rangeld - 643 - 1.86%

Dedue Molinaro - 637 - 1.85%

Rhea - 590 - 1.71%

Cyril - 553 - 1.60%

Sothis - 319 - 0.93%

Other - 310 - 0.90%

Narrator - 251 - 0.73%

Jeralt - 196 - 0.57%

Rodrigue - 190 - 0.55%

Jeritza - 185 - 0.54%

Judith von Daphnel - 119 - 0.35%

Gatekeeper - 106 - 0.31%

Thales - 67 - 0.19%

Solon - 53 - 0.15%

Cornelia - 46 - 0.13%

Randolph - 42 - 0.12%

Kronya - 36 - 0.10%

Fleche - 35 - 0.10%

Villager - 22 - 0.06%

Ladislava - 21 - 0.06%

Nader - 20 - 0.06%

Gwendal - 13 - 0.04%

Lonato - 12 - 0.03%

Kostas - 11 - 0.03%

Ionius IX - 11 - 0.03%

Indech - 11 - 0.03%

Acheron - 10 - 0.03%

Macuil - 10 - 0.03%

Maurice - 9 - 0.03%

Miklan - 7 - 0.02%

Lambert - 7 - 0.02%

Duke Aegir - 7 - 0.02%

Nemesis - 7 - 0.02%

Metodey - 4 - 0.01%

Pallardo - 4 - 0.01%

Myson - 4 - 0.01%

Total: 34483 lines

Main plot line count (all routes put together)

This includes cutscenes, animated cutscenes, and monastery dialogue. In non-CF routes, there is a lot of overlapping monastery dialogue between the routes. Each of these is only counted once.

Lines from each character:

1. Claude - 1260 - 14.3%

2. Dimitri - 1077 - 12.2%

3. Edelgard - 1059 - 12.0%

4. Byleth - 911 - 10.3%

5. Seteth - 642 - 7.3%

6. Rhea - 486 - 5.5%

7. Hubert - 369 - 4.2%

8. Gilbert - 294 - 3.3%

9. Narrator - 251 - 2.8%

10. Sothis - 242 - 2.7%

11. Hilda - 241 - 2.7%

12. Ferdinand - 222 - 2.5%

13. Lorenz - 213 - 2.4%

14. Jeralt - 196 - 2.2%

15. Caspar - 194 - 2.2%

16. Dorothea - 189 - 2.1%

17. Flayn - 189 - 2.1%

18. Lysithea - 189 - 2.1%

19. Sylvain - 186 - 2.1%

20. Ingrid - 184 - 2.1%

21. Felix - 183 - 2.1%

22. Linhardt - 183 - 2.1%

23. Alois - 182 - 2.1%

24. Hanneman - 182 - 2.1%

25. Annette - 180 - 2.0%

26. Ashe - 172 - 2.0%

27. Bernie - 165 - 1.9%

28. Rodrigue - 165 - 1.9%

29. Ignatz - 163 - 1.8%

30. Mercedes - 163 - 1.8%

31. Catherine - 162 - 1.8%

32. Dedue - 160 - 1.8%

33. Manuela - 160 - 1.8%

34. Leonie - 159 - 1.8%

35. Petra - 158 - 1.8%

36. Other - 157 - 1.8%

37. Marianne - 151 - 1.7%

38. Raphael - 143 - 1.6%

39. Shamir - 140 - 1.6%

40. Judith - 119 - 1.4%

41. Cyril - 107 - 1.2%

42. Gatekeeper - 106 - 1.2%

43. Thales - 60 - 0.7%

44. Solon - 53 - 0.6%

45. Jeritza - 52 - 0.6%

46. Cornelia - 46 - 0.5%

47. Randolph - 42 - 0.5%

48. Kronya - 36 - 0.4%

49. Fleche - 35 - 0.4%

50. Villager - 22 - 0.2%

51. Ladislava - 21 - 0.2%

52. Nader - 15 - 0.2%

53. Gwendal - 13 - 0.1%

54. Lonato - 12 - 0.1%

55. Ionius IX - 11 - 0.1%

56. Kostas - 11 - 0.1%

57. Lambert - 7 - 0.1%

58. Miklan - 7 - 0.1%

59. Nemesis - 7 - 0.1%

60. Acheron - 4 - 0.0%

61. Metodey - 4 - 0.0%

62. Myson - 4 - 0.0%

63. Pallardo - 4 - 0.0%

64. Duke Aegir - 3 - 0.0%

Total – 12523 lines

Support line count:

Note: In Lysithea/Cyril and Berndetta/Sylvain, there is a letter from one character being read by the other. I counted the lines to the character reading the letter.

1. Mercedes von Martritz (BL) – 681 [15 supports]

2. Annette Fantine Dominic (BL) – 669 [15 supports]

3. Hilda Valentine Goneril (GD) – 642 [15 supports]

4. Claude von Riegan (GD) – 634 [14 supports]

5. Lysithea von Ordelia (GD)- 634 [16 supports]

6. Ferdinand von Aegir (BE) – 619 [14 supports]

7. Ingrid Brandl Galatea (BL) – 611 [15 supports]

8. Linhardt von Hevring (BE)– 605 [14 supports]

9. Bernadetta von Varley (BE)– 601 [15 supports]

10. Ashe Ubert (BL) – 600 [14 supports]

11. Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (GD) – 586 [14 supports]

12. Dorothea Arnault (BE) – 585 [14 supports]

13. Sylvain Jose Gautier (BL) – 584 [17 supports]

14. Caspar von Bergliez (BE)- 576 [14 supports]

15. Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (BL) – 575 [14 supports]

16. Leonie Pinelli (GD) – 564 [15 supports]

17. Catherine (CoS) – 563 [13 supports]

18. Ignatz Victor (GD) – 559 [14 supports]

19. Felix Hugo Fraldarius (BL) – 531 [14 supports]

20. Flayn (CoS) – 524 [12 supports]

21. Raphael Kirsten (GD) – 522 [14 supports]

22. Petra Macneary (BE) – 513 [14 supports]

23. Byleth Eisner (CoS) – 505 [35 supports]

24. Seteth (CoS) – 489 [11 supports]

25. Shamir Nevrand (CoS) – 489 [12 supports]

26. Marianne von Edmund (GD) – 487 [14 supports]

27. Manuela Casagranda (CoS) - 479[12 supports]

28. Edelgard von Hresvelg (BE) – 465 [11 supports]

29. Hanneman von Essar (CoS) – 457 [12 supports]

30. Alois Rangeld (CoS) – 414 [11 supports]

31. Hubert von Vestra (BE) – 402 [10 supports]

32. Dedue Molinaro (BL) – 395 [11 supports]

33. Cyril (CoS) – 390 [11 supports]

34. Gilbert Pronislav (CoS) – 281 [9 supports]

35. Jeritza von Hrym (BE) - 102 [2 supports]

36. Rhea (CoS) - 56 [1 support]

Total - 18386 lines

Misc lines (Goddess Tower scenes, S supports, and paralogues)

Byleth - 465

Claude - 162

Other - 153

Dimitri - 140

Hilda - 107

Hubert - 106

Lorenz - 105

Sylvain - 102

Edelgard - 96

Marianne - 91

Ferdinand - 90

Bernie - 89

Leonie - 87

Gilbert - 87

Seteth - 83

Dedue - 82

Raphael - 82

Lysithea - 82

Mercedes - 80

Ignatz - 80

Dorothea - 78

Linhardt - 77

Petra - 76

Sothis - 76

Felix - 71

Ingrid - 71

Flayn - 70

Catherine - 70

Annette - 69

Manuela - 69

Caspar - 63

Ashe - 58

Cyril - 56

Shamir - 49

Hanneman - 48

Rhea - 48

Alois - 47

Sothis - 37

Jeritza - 31

Rodrigue - 25

Indech - 11

Macuil - 10

Maurice - 9

Thales - 7

Acheron - 6

Nader - 5

Duke Aegir - 4

Total: 3610 lines


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